Page Speed Optimization
Speed is a page rank metric. Is your website optimized for speed? There are several factors that can delay the time it takes to fully load and render web pages in a browser. External links to social networks, scripts, frameworks, large images, and style sheets are some of the main contributors to slow loading pages. Multi-media files, and third party content can also impeade the performance and speed of a website.

Impact Of Slow Website
Most web design companies try to create aesthetically pleasing websites with all the latest widgets and other visual page adornment and pay little attention to load time and page speed.
Website visitors are impatient, they like things simple and pages that load fast, they don't spend much time on slow loading websites. Time is money, so If your pages take more than 3 seconds to load in the browser, you could be loosing revenue.
Search engines don't look for the beautiful looking pages to Index, they are mainly interested in sites that provide rich content with value to the search results pages they return, and even if they index a few of your images, they give preference to websites that are mobile-ready and loads fast.