Abusing Html Div Tags
Not sure if you've heard it before, but Div-i-tis is a term used to describe websites that use Html <div> tag excessively and randomly. Website builders have been using it since its introduction, but since it has no tangible effect on the work they produce, they continue to abuse and misuse the Html div tag.
What is a div tag? Div is an HTML element that stands for division, but It has no real semantic value on its own. Nonetheless, it provides an easy way for web designers to add style rules to Html documents using Css classes and ids. However, it's not a one size fits all element like how some use it. The div tag should be used sparingly and not ubiquitous in the markup.

Sometimes you cannot avoid using non-semantic elements like Div and Span in an HTML document, but there's a proper way to use them despite the limited semantic value. "You should not use a div element if there are existing elements that could perform the same function."
Html5 Structual Containers
The div element will continue to play a role in web designs for some time. However, with the introduction of new Html5 structural containers to the spec, the div tag use should be minimal. Markup must have meaning and logic, so there's no rational or compelling reason to use 200 pairs of div tags in your Html document.